HSE 002: How do you spend your weekends?

How do you spend your weekends?

How do you spend your weekends?

Well, my school has classes on Saturday,
so my weekend is kind of short.
We have classes until 12 o’clock
and get out around 12:30.
I don’t have any club activities on Saturday,
so I head straight home.
When I get home I’m usually pretty tired and hungry.
I eat a quick lunch and then I take a nap.
After that I play video games online.
These days, I’m into Splatoon.
Saturday evening, I like to take it easy.
I usually watch TV with my family.
On Sunday, I like to hang out with my friends.
We often go to Umeda and go shopping and stuff.
When I get home I try to study for a couple of hours.
Then I take a bath and go to bed.

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