HSE 003: Mondays Suck!

Mondays Suck!

Mondays Suck!

I hate Mondays and this one totally sucked.
First, I woke up late because I forgot to set my alarm.
So I didn’t have time for breakfast.
I had to run to the station.
But I forgot my train pass at home,
So I had to go back and get it.
By the time I got to school, it was already 1st period.
They were taking a quiz when I got to class.
I hadn’t studied for it.
So I think I’m gonna get an F on it.
All morning my stomach was growling.
I was starving because I hadn’t had breakfast.
After school we had club practice until six o’clock.
I was totally worn out when I got home.
This day totally sucked.

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